Grant Application
The 2024 Grant Application is live! Click on the link below to download a Microsoft Word version of the file. You’ll want to hit “file → save a copy” and rename it to your ministry opportunity (ie: basketweavingapplication.doc).
Instructions to complete and submit are in the application. Successful applications have had a clear ministry plan, including goals, steps to achieve those goals, and plans to measure its impact to see if this new opportunity is bearing fruit. Let us know if you need more information or have any questions!
An example of a successful application follows:
General Information
Church(es)/organization(s): Christian Community for Reading with Dogs
Date Session Approved application submission: N/A
Contact Name: Jane Doe
Contact Phone: 704-555-6713
Contact email:
Address: 13 mockingbird Lane, Mocksville NC
specific purpose of grant:
In order to facilitate the growth of this organization, we are need of some supplies, including bean bags for comfortable reading, flooring which is easy to clean and comfortable, and to hire a facilitator who will help promote and organize the events.
overview of proposed initiative and how grant would assist in growth and transformation of your congregation(s)/organization(s): (attach additional pages as needed):
We believe the kingdom of God is best understand in the relationship between People and the creation of God. We seek to facilitate opportunities for the vulnerable and downhearted to encounter God and to grow in confidence, skills, and God’s love through a reading program facilitated by the comfort dogs can provide.
amount requested: $ 10,000 one time amount [ x ] multiple disbursements [ ]
If requesting a one-time amount, please describe and provide a detailed timeline for your initiative. (attach additional pages as needed)
March 2024: Re-fit old Sunday School classroom with low-level bookshelves, easy to reach for children, vinyl flooring, painting, and bean bag chairs and pillows. Purchase soft dog toys. ($1500)
April 2024: Begin search for facilitator/director. Solicit volunteers from within the church. ($2500 for Summer)
May 2024: Advertise in local schools to help close reading gap during the summer. Arrange with local animal rescue organization or shelter to secure dogs ($500)
June 2024: Begin two-hour, once-a-week program during the morning for elementary age students. Provide morning snack after successful reading. ($500 for snacks)
July 2024: Meet with volunteers and solicit feedback from participants about how to continue/expand program for school year. Search for additional grant funding (Pay a grant writer?). Advertise for school year program. ($500).
If requesting multiple disbursements, please describe and provide details regarding how the funding will be dispersed. Include a detailed timeline of your initiative. (attach additional pages as needed)
Funding (Continued)
1. Please attach documentation showing the overall budget of your congregation(s)/organization(s).
2. Please attach documentation explaining the budget of your proposed initiative. Be sure to include how your church(es)/organization(s) are participating in the funding, as well as how the full initiative will be funded. For large purchases of supplies or equipment, please include the 2-3 bids to show due diligence.
3. If you have other funding partners for the proposed initiative, attach documentation of those sources, including specific amounts and how that funding is dispersed.
Initiative Proposal
Describe the initiative in detail and how it ties to the mission of your church(es)/organization(s): (attach additional pages as needed)
We believe the kingdom of God is best understand in the relationship between People and the creation of God. We seek to facilitate opportunities for the vulnerable and downhearted to encounter God and to grow in confidence, skills, and God’s love through a reading program facilitated by the comfort dogs can provide.
Who is leading this initiative? How will this initiative be maintained and sustained? Who are your key participants? Who is your target audience?
Initial organization of initiative is from the church Christian Education committee. We hope to be able to develop a board of directors within the first year of the initiative.
Please identify your three most important goals/objectives, their expected outcomes, and how you will measure those outcomes.
Provide space for vulnerable/at-risk youth to encounter the love of God - We anticipate between 8-12 students from a local elementary school which is labeled “low performing” by the state. We will measure this outcome by the number of students participating by the end of summer 2024.
Provide tutoring for those who need additional reading help over the summer. By specifically reaching out to low-performing schools, our adult volunteers will be able to provide one-on-one tutoring without it feeling like tutoring and in a way which increases student confidence. We will utilize the free A/R reader score program at the beginning and end of the season to measure growth.
Connect the church to its community by addressing a community need. - This goal is best measured by the desire of the participants to come back to the school year program at the end of the summer program, as well as their interest in inviting friends/family to participate.
How will this initiative be connected to and supported by your congregation(s)/organization(s)?
By providing space as well as core volunteers, this program will be a major initiative for our community.
How will you measure success? Please include Specific Benchmarks and target dates.
See above.
How does this initiative enhance or reflect the Marks of a Vital Congregation? Choose up to TWO marks of the seven. (lifelong discipleship formation, intentional authentic evangelism, outward focus, empowering servant leadership, spirit inspired worship, caring relationships, ecclesial health) More information can be found here:
Lifelong discipleship and formation
Outward focus
Caring Relationships
At the end of your initiative’s grant cycle, where do you envision your congregation(s)/organization(s) being? We anticipate establishing this program over the summer successfully enough we will qualify for funding from federal reading programs as well as local school initiative grants. We will have established caring, supportive relationships with 8-12 local, at-risk youth, who might be interested in participating in other opportunities for youth at our church. We will have re-engaged with our local community and established relationship with local community partners..
**Please attach any other supporting documentation that would help CGAT understand the initiative and its intended impact, as well as how this grant would be used.